Ninja Scroll: The Series [OGM] [Dual Audio]
The story takes place in feudal Japan and follows the adventures of Jubei Kibagami, a mercenary ninja who is given a duty to guard the Dragon Stone and to protect the Priestess of Light (Shigure) from the Hiruko Clan and the Kimon Shu. He is aided by the government spy Dakuan and the thief Tsubute.
Ninja Scroll - 1.ogm (232.88 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 2.ogm (232.12 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 3.ogm (232.11 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 4.ogm (233.71 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 5.ogm (235.11 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 6.ogm (231.02 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 7.ogm (234.94 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 8.ogm (234.21 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 9.ogm (232.07 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 10.ogm (231.4 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 11.ogm (231.51 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 12.ogm (231.55 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 13.ogm (231.95 MB)
The story takes place in feudal Japan and follows the adventures of Jubei Kibagami, a mercenary ninja who is given a duty to guard the Dragon Stone and to protect the Priestess of Light (Shigure) from the Hiruko Clan and the Kimon Shu. He is aided by the government spy Dakuan and the thief Tsubute.
Ninja Scroll - 1.ogm (232.88 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 2.ogm (232.12 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 3.ogm (232.11 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 4.ogm (233.71 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 5.ogm (235.11 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 6.ogm (231.02 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 7.ogm (234.94 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 8.ogm (234.21 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 9.ogm (232.07 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 10.ogm (231.4 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 11.ogm (231.51 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 12.ogm (231.55 MB)
Ninja Scroll - 13.ogm (231.95 MB)
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